Terms and Conditions | Ski4U
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Terms and conditions

Melur Destination Management GmbH (hereinafter – SKI4U) offers a wide range of tours, excursions, tickets and services (hereinafter - Products and Services) on its website SKI4U.com (hereinafter also - the web-site). Please, closely familiarize yourself with the present General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter - GTC), since they feature information on obligations of the parties and represent the legal basis on which SKI4U accepts and processes orders. If not explicitly otherwise indicated, the present GTC apply to all, without exception, purchases made via SKI4U.com and are considered accepted by the person who books a Product or a Service on behalf of individuals listed in the order. All amendments to the present GTC are valid only if made in writing by SKI4U or by a holder of a relevant written Power of Attorney issued by SKI4U.

Conditions of SKI4U.com use

  1. When using SKI4U.com you accept the present GTC which immediately enter into legal force at the moment you start to use the website.
  2.  Do not access SKI4U.com and do not use it if you do not intend to accept the present GTC.
  3.  SKI4U reserves the right to amend the present GTC at any time by making the amended version available online.
  4. It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, make publicly available or in any other way use SKI4U.com content, including texts, images, URL-addresses and information on prices, except for your personal non-commercial use.
  5. You may use SKI4U.com solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes and/or for making a request for booking of Products and Services offered on the web-site. You undertake not to use this web-site for speculative, deceitful and pseudo requests. You further agree not to use robots or other automated tools on SKI4U.com web-site.
  6. You confirm and guarantee that (a) you have never been blocked by SKI4U.com or excluded from using the web-site; (b) you are not a direct competitor of SKI4U.com; (c) you do not have more than one account on the web-site; and (d) that you have full authority to accept the present GTC; and that (e) by entering into the present GTC you do not infringe any other agreement you have concluded.
  7. SKI4U allows you to use the web-site in compliance with the use limitations stipulated in the present GTC. When accessing or using SKI4U.com you may encounter information that may be insulting, obscene, incorrect, inadmissible or in any other way unsuitable. SKI4U does not approve of such content and cannot guarantee for its validity and reliability. Due to this reason you use the web-site at your own risk.

User account

  1. In order to be able to use certain features of the web-site you have to register and provide your details. You bear responsibility for keeping the secrecy of the password you choose as well as for all manipulations related to your account. You undertake to urgently inform SKI4U on any illegitimate use of your account.
  2. Your account is intended solely for your personal, non-commercial use. It is strictly prohibited to falsely present oneself to be another person, such as, for instance, a celebrity, create an account for a person other than yourself, provide the email address other than yours or create several accounts.
  3. SKI4U reserves the right to block your account at any time on certain grounds or without any grounds.

Informational content of the web-site

  1. You may add information to the web-site by various means, including writing reviews and uploading photos, completing your user profile and rating inform tion of other users (such information and/or materials posted by you on the web-side are hereinafter referred to as "Your Content").
  2. SKI4U has the right to use Your Content in various ways, including display of Your Content on the web-site, formatting, using it for advertising or in other pro ects, popularization, distribution and granting third parties permission to do the same on their web-sites and media-platforms (hereinafter - Other Media). A cordingly, you irrevocably allow SKI4U to use Your Content for any purpose. You also irrevocably provide access to Your Content to users of the web-site and of Other Media in connection with their use of the web-site and any Other Media. And ultimately, you irrevocably undertake to refrain from filing claims and complaints to assert moral rights or copyright regarding Your Content.
  3. You are solely responsible for Your Content and accept all risks that may materialize regarding Your Content, including the risks associated with its accuracy, completeness and usefulness as well as the risks associated with disclosure of information in Your Content which may render you identifiable. You assert that you own Your Content or have all permissions required for use of Your Content and for authorizing other individuals to use Your Content. You are prohibited to directly or indirectly imply or in any other way induce to believe that SKI4U sponsors or approves of Your Content.
  4. You may be held liable if, for instance, Your Content infringes third parties` rights, including copy rights, trade marks, patents, commercial secrets, moral rights, privacy rights, rights of public use or any other right for intellectual or other property; if Your Content contains false information, is purposefully deceitful; casts aspersion or contains illegal materials, including aggressive statements or pornography; or in any other harms minors, infringes the law or promotes law infringement.
  5. SKI4U is entitled at any time to delete or restore Your Content as it may seem expedient to SKI4U. Thus, SKI4U may delete a review if it considers that the review violates SKI4U content rules. SKI4U is not obliged to keep Your Content or to provide you a copy thereof and does not guarantee any confidentiality regarding Your Content.
  6. SKI4U and its partners have the right to post advertisements and other information alongside or included into Your Content on the web-site and on Other Media. You do not have the right to be compensated for such advertisements. The order, form and extent of such advertisements may be changed without you being specifically notified.

Validity of Products and Services; Changes and Amendments

All Products and Services offered by SKI4U are valid according to the dates published on SKI4U.com. SKI4U does not assume any liability for information it does not provide directly.
2. All requests for changes and amendments shall be sent to SKI4U Customer Support for processing.
a. SKI4U does not impose additional fees for changes and amendments of the date of an existing booking if the request for changes and amendments was received by SKI4U Customer Support more than seven business days before the confirmed date of the trip.
b. No changes or amendments are possible with regard to the dates of tickets for theater, shows or events. Such tickets are irreversibly sold and no changed can be made after the confirmation of the purchase.
c. Other requests for changes and amendments are decided upon individually according to the relevant provider of Product or Service. SKI4U cannot give assurance for successful change of dates.
d. SKI4U will foster the efforts to meet your request for changes or amendments if such request was received up to seven business days prior to the begi ning of the trip; however, all requests for changes or amendments received three or less business days prior to your trip may trigger additional fees.
3. Changes and amendments to Products and Services purchased with SKI4U promotion code, as a special offer or at a discounted price may deactivate the discount or the special offer. SKI4U is entitled at its sole discretion to decide upon your discount or special price and retains the right to cancel your discount or the special offer price.
4. Infrequently the service providers may have to change dates, prices, age restrictions etc. As a consequence, SKI4U may at any time and for any reason cancel, change and replace any Product or Service you booked at SKI4U.com.
a. In such cases, should the alternatives offered fail to satisfy you, you have the right to be reimbursed the full price of your purchase.
b. Despite the above mentioned, when notified in advance by agents and Product and Service suppliers of major changes in bookings and / or tours, events etc., SKI4U will spare no effort to accordingly inform tourists, agents and / or distributors, in order to, to the extent possible, amend the existing booking.

Price structure

  1. Prices on SKI4U.com, unless explicitly otherwise indicated, represent prices per person.
  2. 2. The prices are based on tariffs at the destination at the moment of quoting calculated according to the predominant exchange rate as set by SKI4U.
  3. 3. Price quotes may be changed without prior notice before booking confirmation.
  4. 4. If not otherwise indicated, prices do not include local taxes, tourist, parking, customs, immigration, agricultural and passenger fees as well as the transportation tax.
  5. 5. Prices include no tips to drivers and guides at the point of destination, no passport and visa fees, no tourist and luggage insurances, no personal articles and no food or beverages that are not listed in Product or Service description on SKI4U.com.

Payment and cancellation

SKI4U accepts the following cards for payment: VISA Credit, VISA Debit, VISA Electron, Mastercard, Maestro.
a. No additional fee is imposed for processing of credit card payments.
b. The full price of the order needs to be paid to complete the booking. The credit card payment transaction will be listed as SKI4U.
2. No payment refund is possible for tours or services that have already commenced as well as for any package, accommodation, meals or any other consumed Product or Service.
3. A booking cancellation may lead to a SKI4U cancellation fee being charged in accordance to the foregoing rules. Cancellation fee can be charged by service providers / operators (closely study information in your SKI4U voucher). In case of a booking cancellation you will be informed on the total amount of the applicable cancellation fee per email, facsimile or telephone.
a. Tickets for events, shows or theater cannot be refunded under any circumstances.
b. Tours and packages during special holidays cannot be refunded under any circumstances. Such holidays include, but are not limited to, fairs, public holidays, school holidays, New Year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, Ramadan.
c. Should no other conditions mentioned in a specific excursion or product details cancellation fee does not apply if the booking canceled at least seven business days prior to the booked excursion. In case of cancellation from three to six business days prior to the trip start, the cancellation fee equals to 50% of the purchase price. In case of cancellation two or less business days prior to the booked excursion no refund is possible.

Payment processing

  1. Pursuant to the present GTC processing of payments for Products and Services purchased on SKI4U.com is provided by Nets Denmark A/S (Klausdalsbrovej 601, 2750 Ballerup)

  2. A credit card payment is processed via an selected acquirer and these GTC represent the agreement entered by and between you and SKI4U.